Well I literally had a topsy turvy ride that day!!!One of the unforgettable moments of my life.
The bus was enroute to college as usual in the morning with most of us happily sleeping inside it.Suddenly there was a loud thud and the next moment we realised our bus tilted at 45 degrees on the edge of the road.A boulder prevented it from overturning.Lest I may not have been posting this now.
Had a really long day today.The bus apparently was going at full speed when suddenly a big trailer came in front of it.So to prevent it from crashing head-on with it,the driver swerved to the left.As a result the right side of the bus dragged along the front part of the trailer thus breaking all the glasses attached to the window frame. And I was on the window seat somewhere in the middle of the bus.I was half asleep when it happened but thankfully the glass that broke near my window didn't hit me somehow.Or so I thought.

After the bus swerved off the road it was inclining at 45 degrees!most of the people got down from the front door.But some of us who were in the rear portion of the bus decided against it as then the bus may have toppled.So we got down through the windows!After reaching college through another bus(incident took place 10 mins away from college),I felt some pain in my lower back then I realised I had a deep cut in my back.Maybe it was due to my getting down through the window or maybe the glass piece would have hit me. Then we were taken nice care of in the medical center of our college.Given snacks and not to forget the great "Tetanus" injection.Parents took me home by 2 pm as I couldn't stand the pain.
Hope such an incident never occurs again.The drivers should be more careful particularly ours as he was listening to radio through his headphones!How irresponsible.He doesn'y realise that the life of future "engineers" is at stake.