Wednesday, July 1, 2009

A new year,A new beginning

Well today marks the first day of my 3rd year in college.I still remember that day when we just entered college,the day when we entered a completely new environment,the day we met completely new people,professors and not to forget our great canteen food to which we are so much habituated now.
Why I'm telling this is a new beginning is cos' I've decided at last to struggle hard from this year atleast.Well i just somehow managed the first two years with some decent marks(83% is decent for me!!!).This year atleast I gotta strive hard as I got number of important "career deciding" exams next year.Plus the "main distraction" is gone.What I supposed to be mine was never to be.That's life in a nutshell.The moment we think something is almost ours and we've almost reached our goal,the next moment it comes crashing down before us leaving us crestfallen.Maybe I'm better off without that "distraction".Nah,I won't mention what or who's that.The ones who know would've already guessed by now.And for the ones who don't,then "mind your own business" LOL!!! maybe i'll drop some hints in the forthcoming posts!

Aniket has returned!!!Beware!!!